Friendship Group
This friendly group meets on the first Wednesday of every month in the church at 2pm.
We offer care and friendship, with a coffee and a chat in non-threatening and friendly surroundings - space and time to share. All are welcome.
Mothers Union
Meet in the Church Hall on the first Thursday of the month from 1:45pm to 4pm. Each meeting has a speaker and the group organises outings and a care and concern for families.
Social Committee
Please see the Sunday pew sheet for information on study groups to the end of the year
Flower Guild
Comes together at specific occasions in the worshipping life of the church – Easter, Harvest and Christmas – to decorate the church with flowers; and to provide and decorate the church with flowers each Sunday. The Flower Guild is open to both members of the church and community.
Altar Guild
Meets in Church every third Thursday of the month at 9am. Members help to clean and take care of the church, its furnishings and liturgically ware
The church produces a monthly magazine for news within the church and community which costs 50p per issue.
Coffee Morning and pop in
Held on the last Saturday of every month from 10am-12noon in the Church hall