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Welcome To All Saints Paston A Church of England church serving the parish of Paston, Gunthorpe and Walton. we want to be a church that provides everyone with a warm welcome whether enquiring about a wedding, christening, to worship, pray or you want to explore more about the Christian faith we are pleased to welcome you, please do get in touch
Rector: Revd Capt Paul Whiteley 01733 572616 Email: Allsaintspaston@gmail.com
Assistant Curate: Revd Gill Thompson gilty.thompson@gmail.com
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More About Us
Saturday 16th March 7pm Quiz Night in the Church Hall (Tickets £5 per prson. Teams of up to 5 people)
Contact Steve Cutts for more information
17th March 10am 'Holy Communion'
24th March 10am 'Palm Sunday Service'
Holy Week
Tuesday 26th March 5pm 'Evening Prayer'
Wednesday 27th March 8.30am 'Morning Prayer'
Maundy Thursday 28th March Service at Peterborough Cathedral
29thMarch 2pm-3pm 'Good Friday Reflections'
30th March 7pm 'Service of Light'
31st March 10am 'Easter Sunday'
7th April 10am 'All Age Service'
14th April 10am 'Holy Communion'
21st April 10am 'Holy Communion'
Peterborough safeguarding contacts
or Peterborough Diocese Safeguarding Adviser on 01733 887040
Parish Safeguarding Officer: Yvonne Griffin 01733 571316
To find out more click here.
1st Sunday of each month All age family communion @ 10:00
All other Sundays holy communion @10:00
First Wednesday of the month Holy Communion 9.30am
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